ICT Cell


The entire operation of IT Service & ICT Initiatives Management of the campus is look after by IT section. The University comprehensive IT policy helps IT Section to function systematically. IT Section maintains post warranty systems and monitors the smooth operation of the system.

The entire operation of IT Service management is managed by ICT Coordinator along with

  1. One Network/Service Engineer
  2. One UPS/Inverter Engineer
  3. One Technical Assistant
  4. One Jr. Technical Assistant
  5. One Computer Operator
  6. One Clerk
  7. One Peon

The Services are provided in two modes.

·Servicing the equipment’s and operations by visiting the sections units with a specific schedule.
·On demand service: - This is done when there are requests or complaints made by the respective Departments/Sections/Units
IT Sections maintains
Information security
Network security
Risk management out sourcing
Equipments / Systems maintenance
UPS / Invertors
LAN Accessories

Internet Connection
1 GBPS internet connection is available under National Knowledge Network (NKN) through the NIC NET Via BSNL leased circuit.

Website Development & Maintenance

IT Section maintains the www.kswu.ac.in official website updations like Notifications, Departments, Exam related notifications, ICT Initiatives etc.



ICT Coordinator
Phone: 08352-297061
Email: it@kswu.ac.in