1—  Book Borrowing Facility  

2—  Reading Room Facility

3—  Reference Service

4—  Referral Service

5—  Document Delivery Service

6—  Inter Library Loan services

7—  OPAC Service

8—  Smart Cards Service

9—  Reprographic service at the cost of Rs. 0.50 per page

10 Orientation Programme 

11—  Anti-Plagarism Service 


Specialized Services Provide in the Library

1—  Information Employment  and Notification: 

2—  Internet Access: 

3—  Download: Journals and E-books: 

4—  Printouts: 

5—  Reading List/Bibliography compilation: 

6—  In-House/ remote access to e-resource: 

7—  User Orientation: 

8—  Assistance in searching Database: 

9—  INFLIBNET/IUC Facilities